As a licensed attorney in Texas and California along with being an entertainment executive in Hollywood for over 25 years, Kathy Leigh Carter brings her experience to the mounted law enforcement arena to elevate the brand to a national level through her Justice Reins trademarked entertainment platforms and her non-profit.

Since 2014, Kathy Leigh has traveled the United States being educated by mounted officers, deputies and federal agents in over 150 units nationwide across 40 states including Border Horse Patrol Units on the southern and northern border. She is considered a national expert and resource on the United States Mounted Units. Additionally, she traveled to mounted barns in Israel, Ireland and Canada to extend her reach and knowledge.

Riding with Federal Agents on Southern Border

Training with Los Angeles PD Mounted
After Kathy Leigh’s experiences learning how our law enforcement on horseback prevent and confront crime, save lives and protect our very freedoms with their equine partner, she felt compelled to create the National Mounted Law Enforcement Foundation, a 501c3, ( to directly support the work of our United States mounted units through donations from individuals and companies.
See more information about Justice Reins and National Mounted Law Enforcement Foundation here.